Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
I resolve to exercise more. #assumethebest
I resolve to manage my expectations. #preparefortheworst
I resolve to disappoint people less. I will start by keeping my resolutions to myself. #reputationmatters
They say sleeping more is better for you. I resolve to find out how much more. #sciencematters
I resolve to eat healthier. I plan to go to McDonald's every other day instead of every day. #imayhavecoloncancer
I resolve to maintain higher standards of excellence in my life. I will start by buying higher quality bourbon. #blessed
I resolve to value quantity where quality is concerned. In other words, I will start buying a higher quantity of high quality bourbon. #noshelflife
I resolve to stop procrastinating. I have already taken care of resolutions six and seven while writing this....