Tag: extrovert

Local Introvert Mistaken for Asshole
Local Man

Local Introvert Mistaken for Asshole

Area anti-socialite, Phil Koff, was wandering down the aisle of his local grocery store--minding his own quiet business--when he spotted a first-time acquaintance, Cher Tumuch, approaching ominously from the other direction. Though Mr. Koff did his best to hide his entire body behind a bevy of pineapples, Ms. Tumuch had already seen him.  It was his next action that was sadly misinterpreted for plain assholery. "To me and my fellow introverts," Phil offered candidly,  "turning and walking brusquely the other way as if I had just felt the onset of diarrhea was a very normal thing to do.  We (Cher and I) had literally just met the other day.  It wasn't even as if she were a long time acquaintance or one of my wife's innumerable friends." "I know he saw me!" Ms. Tumuch said at a higher vol...
More and More Extroverts Admitting they have a Problem

More and More Extroverts Admitting they have a Problem

The science is in: Extroversion is a social disorder. To be more specific, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders now lists extraversion as ‘Social Annoyance Disorder’, which affects 1 out of 3 seemingly healthy adults in some way. The American Psychiatric Association (all introverts by the way), in tandem with the World Health Organization, published a detailed report chronicling the systematic harassment and general social abuse of introverts by extroverts, concluding that the excessive need or desire to sap the emotional energy of others was really a sort of social vampirism which was, at the least, bothersome, and at worst, dangerous to society. “Extroverts just need a big, wet existential blanket thrown over their faces every day,” one doctor recommended.  “Which...