Feeling Smart is the New Smart
Let's be honest, feeling smart is way better, and so much more important, than being smart. If you don't feel smart, how can you be self-confident? If you can't be self-confident, how can you be a success? If you can't be a success, how can you feel smart? See? It's easy.
Here are some of the top ways to help yourself feel smart:
-Use air-quotes a lot
-Roll your eyes every time someone says something (especially if it sounds smart)
-Carry around a solved Rubik's cube
-Wear non-prescription glasses
-Use in-group abbreviations whenever possible (The Times, Wash-Po, etc.)
-Say you're part of a book club (or better, that you quit because they were reading dumb books)
-Put on your 'serious face' more often
-Use that one logical fallacy you remember from college in every argument