The third installment of the Thor franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is scheduled for release on November 3, 2017. Recently, the character Dr. Stephen Strange, interpreted once again by famous Sherlock actor, Benadryl Chamberpot, has been confirmed to play a significant role as well. Alongside Chris Hemwarts, who plays the titular role, Brainfart Thundersnatch will be making his second appearance as the beloved magician as Thor presumably battles in a gladiator match against The Hulk, played by Mark Buffalo.
At the end of 2016’s Doctor Strange, during the post-credits scene—a staple of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)—the Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme hosted Thor and inquired about his half-brother magician, Loki. Though it appeared to tease Benediction’s part in Thor: Ragnarok, i...