All Conspiracies come from Russian Bots, Credible Online Source Reveals

According to a credible online source, every modern-day conspiracy since the late 1960s originated from bots whose location has been traced to somewhere deep inside the Kremlin.

Various theories from chemtrails used as biological warfare (AKA Secret Large-scale Atmospheric Program) to 9/11 being faked to the idea that there is only one yawn in the world which is simply being passed around, have apparently all come from the same source: Russian bots.

These programs, codenamed “Matryoshkas” have remained undetectable for decades. By placing a tiny piece of code inside of a slightly larger piece of code inside of a larger string of code, they made them almost impossible to find.

The report goes on to reveal that these digital agitators were initially developed, not by the Russians, but by billionaire Bill Gates who, according to a wife’s friend of a former attache to a U.S. ambassador (now deceased), says he has also been using actors from Hollywood as plants in the American government to either suppress or, when necessary, help spread such misinformation to the public.

His latest plant, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has gained surprising support even from left-leaning voters and has become a key figure in Gates’s efforts to discredit and disrupt national systems of information and power with the eventual goal of moving us toward a one-world order.

It seems he has also been using these actors to stage seemingly real events like the moon landing, the Olympics, the New York City Marathon, and half of Sting’s concerts.

As everyone knows, just because it’s a conspiracy theory, doesn’t mean that it isn’t true. And just because it was faked, doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.

It’s time people knew the truth.


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